Theatre & Kids is a theatre program in Lansdale, PA
Logo Copyright 2013. Theatre & Kids. All rights reserved.
Noelle Gambale
is now a lawyer with Family Services of Montgomery County but she just keeps doing theatre! During her studies, she did a Swarthmore community production of The Little Prince along with fellow T&K alumnus Brian Hagelin. This Fall it was Lady Pirates of Captain Bree for T&K at Elementary. Terrific!
Every theater needs a Bulletin Board to post good stuff about its programs and people. Gotta note the changes, who got a job, who's on stage, what's auditioning. We'll note this here, so if you have something to share, let us know! Just send a note, pic, or update to Mr. Liegel at We'll take it from there!
We are sad to say that early T&K actress, teacher, and friend, Karen Kuhne, recently passed away. She was a children's theatre mainstay as Mother Rabbit, Raggedy Andy, the Nutcracker mother, aCharlotte in Charlotte's Web. She went on to start Lexington Christian Academy, a homeschoolers theatre program with classes, choirs, and shows. A kind, talented, and creative soul, Karen will be missed.
Betsy Falk Visited our camp this past summer with some puppet friends! She works for former T&K staffer Mike Latini at Monkeyboys Productions. They make props and puppets for TV shows, films, amusement parks, Broadway and so much more. Currently they make props for weekly SNL episodes, did work for two current Broadway musicals, and are one of the main suppliers of Little Shop of Horrors "Audrey Juniors" for theatres across the country. Oh, and Betsy's assistant...? the amazing Rosie Cocchiaro!
The Liegels have been at Phil-Mont Academy for 35 years and Will has produced and directed some 100 shows and Nights of One Acts. This Fall was Pirates of Penzance and this winter
it's Charlotte's Web.
Sky was a T& K camper a ways back and is now a TONY AWARD WINNER as a featured player in the new Broadway musicalOutsiders. Congratulatins, Sky!!! Ya'll should buy your tickets soon
Former staff favorite Bill Monaghan of ivyland continues to make beautiful music around the area, solo and with his band Celtic Pride and even in farway Africa with trips to teach worship music. Original ballets, musicals,and worship music goes hand in hand with top-forty, American classics, and best of Broadway - he does it all. Keep up the VERY good work, Bill!
A decade or two ago, LIZ PRIESTLEY was the princess in our Aladdin Road show opposite Daniel Faga. While Dan was a fine leading man, recently Liz co-starred as the ex-wife of Edris Elba on the Netflix Concrete Cowboy feature film. You go, girl! The film riffs on the true story of a group of black urban cowboys who reach out to troubled Philly kids.
Update: Phoenix Best is a former student of the Liegels. After time on Broadway in Color Purple and Dear Evan Hansen and National Tour of Les Mis as Eponine. Her last gig - Mary in the Washington DC production of AD 16. Yep, a girl with a crush on the adolescent Jesus.
Will and Suzy's first-born daughter Molly - a former T&K staffer - has been a stage manager for national tours for over fifteen years: Jersey Boys, Oliver, Mary Poppins, Annie, Bill Elliot, and more. Then she and her husband Chad (seen here at their 2017 Paris wedding) opened the hot Broadway show AIN'T TOO PROUD - The Story of the Temptations. Recently Molly and Chad were with the National Tour of SIX, her as PSM, him as props. He just finished fly gallery for Broadway's Tommy and is currently doing automations for GYPSY with Audra MacDonald.
Yes, this Spring we have a super Saturday morning class for grades 5 - 12 - IMPROVISATION! with Matt McLaughlin. A great way to spend your Saturday Mornings!
Check back for up-to date information about our people and programs!